Warning: This is an archived course website that is part of my teaching portfolio, so some links may no longer work. Please contact me with any questions about this site.

ENGW 3332: Writing Online


I use Pinboard to bookmark interesting websites related to ENGW 3332, but I will try to add the most important resources to this page. If you’d like me to add a link to this page, just let me know.




Public domain and/or Creative Commons images:

Background images:

Navigation Menus


Bare-bones templates (just page structure; no styling):

Styled templates (more polished; harder to modify):

Layout generators (for building a template in your browser):

Usability Testing

Responsive Web Design

Coming soon…

Domain Registration and Web Hosting

To register a domain name, I recommend using one of these three companies:

All three of those companies also offer web hosting, but I recommend separating your domain registrar from your hosting company, just in case you need to change hosting companies at some point in the future.

There are hundreds of web hosting companies out there, and each one has a slightly different plan and slightly different fees. Before you settle on a hosting company, carefully investigate the company’s reputation (i.e., Google them) and make sure that the plan you are signing up for offers the resources you’ll need for your site (e.g., MySQL databases, WordPress support, unlimited subdomains).

I hesitate to endorse specific hosting companies, but I have friends and students who have used all of the following companies with success: